Trending News
24 Oct 2024
Find Your Park, NPS

More NPS Attendance Marks Fall 

With prominent parks such as Great Smoky Mountains, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Zion, Olympic and Grand Teton enjoying historic attendance, National Park Service has set visitation records for the second straight year, according to preliminary figures. (NOTE: Clicking on an image will launch a full-sized gallery...
Diversity, Profiles

Our Peeps: Alan Spears 

First in “Our Peeps” series spotlighting notable people of color in outdoors-related pursuits. Growing up, Alan Spears lived 75 miles from the Gettysburg Battlefield, where his family visited twice or so a year as a “cheap vacation.” The essential stop afterward was to a hobby...
Film, Viewpoint

Review: Jumbo Wild 

Many “battle over” documentaries are so cacophonous and confusing, their points get lost in the covered ears and closed eyes they produce. “Jumbo Wild” is one that keeps you glued to its gorgeous imagery and listening to its overwhelming serenity. Filmmaker Nick Waggoner layers its...