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26 Jul 2024
Diversity, Profiles

Our Peeps: Alan Spears 

First in “Our Peeps” series spotlighting notable people of color in outdoors-related pursuits. Growing up, Alan Spears lived 75 miles from the Gettysburg Battlefield, where his family visited twice or so a year as a “cheap vacation.” The essential stop afterward was to a hobby...
Film, Viewpoint

Review: Jumbo Wild 

Many β€œbattle over” documentaries are so cacophonous and confusing, their points get lost in the covered ears and closed eyes they produce. β€œJumbo Wild” is one that keeps you glued to its gorgeous imagery and listening to its overwhelming serenity. Filmmaker Nick Waggoner layers its...
Find Your Park, Yellowstone

Yellowstone Erupts 

Yellowstone National Park has emerged in spectacular fashion from a summer that could have gone down as the season of tourist-goring bison. Instead, the nation’s first national park, known for its geysers and geological oddities, abundant wildlife and grand canyon, shattered attendance records with another...
Find Your Park, Viewpoint

Pikas in Peril 

Above: A pika sounds the alarm near Lake Ann in the North Cascades (photo by Glenn Nelson) The bottom line for promoting diversity and inclusion in the outdoors is imbuing the impending nonwhite majority in the U.S. with a sense of stewardship about our planet....
Diversity, Viewpoint

Urgency of Inclusion 

Above photo courtesy Joy Trip Project This is a Trail Posse/African American Nature & Parks Experience Joint by Teresa Baker and Glenn Nelson Can we please get a quarter for every time the head of an outdoors organization says, β€œDiversity is our top priority,” every...
National Parks, NPS

Parks: Free, Uneasy 

Just a few days after our country’s federally managed public lands conduct one of their biggest celebrations of the year, they could be staring into a financial abyss that will negatively impact their health for years. Saturday, Sept. 26 is National Public Lands Day, meaning...