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09 Sep 2024
Gallery, National Parks

National Parks Wildlife 

Throughout the years, my biggest thrills in national parks came when I spotted and photographed wildlife, from the tiny Pika to the big Grizzly. The gallery below represents some of my best. Admittedly, our feathered species get short-shrifted here, but are abundantly represented throughout the...
Calendar, Gallery

Nature Calls for 2018 

I’ve always wanted to create a wildlife calendar. Last year’s came close, with half of the images, plus the cover. This year fulfills the dream, mostly meaning that I was out among winged and furry beings enough. My friend, Paul Bannick, really is the inspiration...
Film, Viewpoint

Review: Jumbo Wild 

Many “battle over” documentaries are so cacophonous and confusing, their points get lost in the covered ears and closed eyes they produce. “Jumbo Wild” is one that keeps you glued to its gorgeous imagery and listening to its overwhelming serenity. Filmmaker Nick Waggoner layers its...